Management has decided to save on the electricity bill by cutting every company computer's monitor output by over 70%. Use your limited desktop space and the company's records to complete tasks on time and maintain your position in the world's most innovative megacorporation!

A task's timer begins as soon as it arrives in your emails, so be quick!


This is my first game made during my course's game-a-week trimester. The prompt for this week was Adjective Noun, where we generated a list of random adjective-noun  combinations to choose one and turn into a game concept, and the prompt 'linear desktop' was born.

I hope you enjoy and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Note: There is currently a semi-game-breaking bug in the game :,) If the game doesn't seem to be working right, you may be experiencing the following:

- 'Incorrect' entries in an Email's Record can sometimes be 'invisible' by still displaying the correct information.  If you're sure your number of errors is correct and the task won't submit, try increasing it by 1-2 and pressing the Submit button again.


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awesome concept !!

Fire Game!!